Welcome to Shazand Petrochemical's emploer's corporationShazand Petrochemical Complex is one of the country's infrastructure and significant projects. It was established and put into operation in line with the general policies adopted for developing petrochemical industries, both for meeting the country’s domestic requirements and export of the products. The project was initially approved in 1984. After putting behind design, engineering and installation stages its first production phase became operational in 1993.Contact Us:No.68, Taban St. Vali-e-Asr Ave, Tehran, Iran
P.o.box : 1968913751
Tel: 98 21 82120
Fax: 98 21 82121
Email: [email protected] کلیهی حقوق مادی و معنوی این وب سایت متعلق به شرکت تعاونی کارکنان پتروشیمی شازند میباشد.
شرکت تعاونی کارکنان پتروشیمی شازند

تلفن تماس: 10- 32635102 (86) 98 دورنگار: 32635107 (86) 98
آدرس: اراک ، کیلومتر 22 جاده بروجرد مجتمع پتروشیمی شازند
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